When building web services we need to define a contract of how the service will operate and how the client should communicate with the service. One important piece to this is the data that the service returns (usually on read operations) and the data the service expects to receive (usually on write operations). One really fantastic way to do this, especially when working in a language like Scala, is to use types.

If I were designing a simple service to manage contacts, I might define my type to look like:

case class User(id: Long,
                name:         String,
                birthday:     Date,
                email:        Email,
                address:      Option[Address],
                createdOn:    Date,
                lastModified: Date)

This type accurately represents what I believe a contact, in the context of my API, is defined as. All pieces except address are required and I also expect a few meta-data fields to exist such as id, createdOn and lastModified. This type works great when defining objects in my system, but it starts to break down as a definition for a contract with a consumer of my web-service.

While this works decently well for read operations, where the full object is returned, what does this look like for a create (POST) operation? To start I no longer need any of what I’ll call “system provided” fields such as id, createdOn and lastModified. Some of you might be saying one of two things right about now:

  1. Default the fields to null
  2. Make fields that aren’t required an Option

I’m going to stop you right now. The purpose of this type is supposed to be a way to expose a contract to the user. Making fields that will always exist on reads an Option is really just a lie and not very useful for defining a complete contract. To truly use types as our contract here, we need to define a create-specific type. In our case, it might look like:

case class UserCreate(name:     String,
                      birthday: Date,
                      email:    Email,
                      address:  Option[Address])

This gets us where we want to be at the price of having to create and maintain another type in our application.

Now it’s time to think about how we would support operations such as PATCH which are based around the idea of partial edits. Since, by the nature of partial edits, everything is optional you can see that we can’t use the same model that we used for create. Also, since we will need to know the difference between null and absent, we’ll need to use a TriState value to represent any types that are currently nullable (or non-required by our default model).

case class UserCreate(id:       Long,
                      name:     Option[String],
                      birthday: Option[Date],
                      email:    Option[Email],
                      address:  TriState[Address])

In the above model, we assume Option to be a matter of presence (not nullability) and TriState to represent both presence and nullability.

Ta-da! We now have models that represent create, read, and partial edit. With this, we can now work on optimizing our workflow. I think the proper step is to define an abstract language that can define our service contract and allow our tooling to generate our corresponding models for us. As a matter of fact, this is what we do in Fireglass (an internal web-service framework) used at my current employment.

However, this framework is not (yet, maybe someday) open source. After some quick looking around, I came across an older project that aimed to solve the problem via macros. While I don’t necessarily agree with the approach, it is a solution that is available today.
